In Pursuit of KNOWLEDGE.
If you think knowledge is expensive, try ignorance.

I am currently a fifth year Senior at Stanford University pursuing dual degrees in Product Design and Psychology

"Why the 5th year?" I hear you cry. Well, besides the desire to learn as much as I can in one lifetime, I had originally started out as a Psychology and Computer Science double major. After two years of seeing sunrises for Computer Science (and much cajoling by my R.A.) I took my first Product Design class. It was love at first lecture, and the result was a switch in majors, a lifetime pursuit chosen , and a long groveling session with the parental units (Stanford sure ain't cheap).

Someday, when all this is done, I hope to still be a "kid" working in the toy industry, or just doing the things I enjoy doing, with people I enjoy doing them with, dyeing my hair, doing random things, being physically active, and making people think and be happy.

If you would like to know more about my past experience, take a look at my Resume.pdf. Or, you can mail me.

Ride the waves to RED's TOYLAND